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The Paper Cup Manufacturing business is so volatile and shape changing that veterans like Steve or Leslie have to be always on their toes to look above and beyond what's happening in the coffee and coffee cup market at this moment, and predict what's to come, and yes, Organic Coffee is set to rule now.

Cannabis and Coffee affect the same regions of the brain, that's been written about earlier, now, Leslie writes next on how cannabis planting techniques are helping grow quality coffee at places where normally coffee wouldn't grow.

The reason why Scyphus has shifted its manufacturing focus to Bioplastic and other non-petroleum resins for its coated paper cup products.

Coffee is a stimulant while marijuana is, mostly, a depressant. And although a mix of coffee and cannabis is gaining popularity as a super drug, some experts are wary of the confusing effect of the effective neuro-chemical reaction in your brain. But, here is another one, that is set to prove the skeptics wrong. Leslie Carr writes about Coffee and Cannabis and the research that shows otherwise.

Paperboard is what Scyphus is all about. Like a good cup of coffee begins with the perfect coffee plant, the perfect coffee cup needs the ideal paperboard. For decades now, Leslie Carr had been traveling to the Far East, Europe, and all over searching for the best source of paperboard. His experience with paperboard is now further enriched by the recent surge in compostable cups.

With the amount of innovation that goes into the food industry, it is only natural that coffee would see similar trends too. Artisan coffee, Healthy Coffee and so on, the trend keeps abreast of the mood of the consumer. Consumers today are connected, well informed and aware, and thus the trendsetters of the food and beverage industry are trying hard to keep up, so is the coffee industry.

Blaine Hurts, president and incoming CEO as of 2018, Panera said that 2018 is the "Year of the Guest"; indeed, guests are more savvy today, and demand not just quality but more options and preferences today, and thus, the fast food market is going to see innovation and serious competition, and that is what the ancillary industry thrives on. Scyphus are pretty upbeat about this trend.

This is not the first time Sycphus have stressed that the Coffee Shop Business, both Branded and Boutique are growing to grow by leaps and bounds for the coming many years. They write again on Coffee Market and Possibilities.

Active Packaging, Smart Packaging or Intelligent Packaging refers to the Packaging of Food and Pharmaceuticals with programmable, smart packaging material. Intelligent Packaging can actively and intelligently alter the inner atmosphere of a package to maintain freshness, prevent corrosion, and at the same time provide information on the quality of the food and its freshness to the consumer.

Coffee has evolved from the morning caffeine fix to a fine experience akin to good wine. In the UK, experts indicate this to be the 'third wave' in the coffee industry, where the English coffee enthusiast is moving from a simple cup of coffee to a more eclectic gourmet coffee.

This article is a personal view of Leslie Carr and Scyphus on the Leicestershire ChocFest

Biodegradable Food Service Disposable Containers are fast becoming the standard. With improving technology and better heat resistant bio-plastic resins, this will become the de facto standard in the near future. Leslie Carr of Scyphus, writes about the Biodegradable Disposable Market, its future and how Scyphus Biodegradable Section is coping with the growing demand.

Being part of the paper board packaging industry, and being into specialised food safe paper board packaging, Scyhpus has keen interest in the trends and Leslie Carr writes on the Paperboard Packaging Industry trends here.

Scyphus being a manufacturer of food and beverage packaging products viz. biodegradable and recyclable paper cups and boxes, food safety, food quality and trends in food quality and safety assurance are issues they keep an eye on. In this article, Lez talks about how UK is adopting organic food, increasingly.

With growing demand of popcorn boxes, what Leslie Carr of Scyphus, says they noticed most, is the demand of these paper popcorn boxes in the trade fair and exhibition circuits, and at the same time, the scarcity of readily available popcorn vending machines and accessories. That is when they decided to offer a one stop solution to trade shows, event managers and exhibitors.

Popcorn Boxes have evolved beyond the cinema and have become a favourite of event organisers and fast food joints alike. The primary reason, that these personalised popcorn boxes are becoming the preferred container over the erstwhile popular popcorn tubs, is the ease of storage and flexible printing options, and to top that, it's cost effective too.

Dr Theo Hacking, Director of Graduate Programmes, will be speaking at the Annual Sustainable Food & Beverage Conference at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry. Scyphus Director Leslie Carr, writes about Food Safety and a safer Food Industry.

Branded Paper Cups designs and manufacturers all different possible paper cups and containers, and ancillary products like Cup Lids and Ice Cream Cup Dome Lids, Napkins and Beer Mats. Here are a few of the most popular products revisited, as retold by Steve Morris, of Scyphus. Steve also talks about how they have been able to manufacture in UK and still quote surprisingly unmatched low prices.

Just like takeaway, which caters to fast food enthusiasts, a new dining culture is taking over. It's the 'home delivery' culture, online food delivery services, or direct from restaurant, home delivery of fine dining is in vogue in UK. Restaurants are gearing up with high-quality branded boxes, paper cups, pots & bags to extend their brand impression beyond the restaurant, to your dining table.
English breakfasts, fine dining, etiquette and sobriety, everything that is quaintly British is being taken over by an aggressive on the move eating and drinking, as work cultures change, and the way of life changes with that. Brits no more have the luxury of sitting at a restaurant for a quite lunch or a formal dinner. Good or bad, Britons are accepting the change and learning to live with it.

In-flight advertising is not new, but not known to all for sure. It is one of the most effective branding solutions available to a company, and there are enumerable benefits. It creates a rare and ideal opportunity for businesses to communicate & engage target customers in a much captivating manner. Here are a few reasons why In-Flight advertising and specially with paper cups is important.

Branded paper cups are a winning marketing strategy, printed coffee cups over plain whites and blacks have proven to be a win-win way of brand promotion, but why?

Scyphus had earlier written on QR Codes on Cups and Augmented Reality experiences extended to paper cups. They have written on how 3.3 Million UK consumers scanned a QR code in the 2nd Quarter of 2012, and this is what you needed to make the user engage, interact and convert into a customer much more easily. But since then technology has moved further ahead and we have Shazam to replace QR.

Paper cups as a medium of communication, conscious and subliminal messaging discussed by Scyphus Director Steve Morris

Scyphus has been writing about Brexit and its effect on SME and Industry in General, particularly because Britain not being a major manufacturing country, they now revisit the effect of Brexit on an economy that has shifted over the years vastly from a manufacturing to a service-driven economy. In 1948, British industry accounted for 41% of the British economy. By 2013, it was just 14%.

Diesel drivers on congested roads in towns and cities across the UK face new pollution taxes under Government plans which will ultimately herald the end of the traditional car. But this ambitious project of phasing out cars as we know will eventually increase the pressure on the power grid manifolds, the UK would need as many as 10 new power stations to cope with the electric revolution.

Social responsibility is often a buzz word surrounding big league corporate in modern days. That is, ensuring that an organization is giving back something from what it is taking from the society as profit. Sometimes this implies reducing emissions from manufacturing facilities, supporting community development, and other efforts that provide something back. Scyphus appeals to its patrons...
Coupon Cups are the latest fad all across the B2C marketing industry.The closest analogy is coupons, prizes and tickets distributed by Cola companies on the reverse side of the sleeves on their PET bottles. Scyphus tells us about how and why this unique paper cup, that goes beyond its regular avatar and end up being quite quirky, is catching up so well with the non-hospitality people as well.

It is already established that ceramic cups require 1000 times the energy to make a paper cup, and thus unless a ceramic cup is used at least a 1000 times, it's not as green as a paper cup, which when manufactured from certified sustainable paper and recycled properly have minimum effect on the planet. The question now is, is it as safe as a paper cup either?

PLA vs PE - debates on biodegradability of PE, feasibility of PLA and changes that PLA lined paper cups could bring to the carbon footprint of a paper cup is not new, what is new is the recent consciousness of the regular coffee buyer and coffee shop owner alike towards a more environment friendly alternative to the plastic coated paper cup.

Planning An Event, Exhibition or Trade Show? Don't
Forget To Brand The Cups! Announcing our limited period offer of free lids on 5000 cups minimum order from today. Refer to the offer in your quote request and we'll know. Use quote LIDFREEDOM007 in your quote as reference.

Branded Coffee Cups are usually or rather always the Double Walled high insulation types, unless some coffee shop already has a stock of their single wall cups, in such cases. we recommend the paper cup sleeves or java jackets as they are often called, as a temporary solution, till the stock of single wall cups last. Else, double wall paper cups are always the most suitable coffee cups.

The Single Wall Paper Cup or Cold Cup is not a Cafe favourite, it's popular with offices, showrooms and exhibitions that have cola/coffee dispensing machines and/or have water coolers for guests, in all such cases branded single wall cups are the perfect way to personalise the experience and at the same time carry forward the flag for your brand name in the form of micro branding on paper cups.

Have you ever wondered while drinking your take away coffee, how the paper cup is made, well wonder no more because this is how it's done. The video is a brief video showcases how the paper cup is formed from a piece of PE or PLA coated paper. The printing on sheets and then cutting them into individual pieces for the cup is a standard printing process not depicted here.

Humans are visual creatures. In fact, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. There's no denying it — images are what we notice first. Leslie Carr of Scyphus has written on how Branded Paper Cups are one of the most minimally visible yet present visual tools of advertising, As Ogilvy said — "a good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.

Brand Management is a big deal, and with the upsurge in digital and mixed media advertising, it is changing rapidly. In this changing scenario, brand managers are changing strategy too, shifting focus from prolonged single media advertising such as TV or Premium Space Billboards, to micro branding like combining TV spots with Social media. Where do micro branding formats like paper cups stand?

Scyphus in one their blog posts from the past has debated on who should take the responsibility of being the eco-friendly partner in the whole coffee consumption cycle. They said that they have been actively researching and developing the 100 percent Compostable Paper Cup along with their Recyclable and Biodegradable Paper Cup (after extraction of the PE layer) but more research is required.

Paper Cups are made from paper, most high-quality paper comes from wood, and wood comes from trees, so paper cups lead to deforestation. How is that good for us? Who takes the responsibility? Are environment-friendly, green paper cups possible? Here is what Scyphus, UK writes in response to these questions.
Popcorn Boxes are the new hot trend in food servicing, the quintessential box in the hands of cinema goers in pop culture, has come out of cinema theatres and is now used across all food service businesses as the easy, light and fantastic alternative of the bigger and heavier paper buckets. At Scyphus, we have been producing high quality, fantabulous looking folding paper boxes for a while now....

Branded Paper Cups can go a long way. So does the history of the paper cup. Scyphus U.K. talks about a few of the anecdotal stories of the past of the paper cup.

We interviewed Leslier Carr and Steve Morris of Scyphus, a paper product manufacturer to gauge how the paper cup industry is reacting to growing demand and how that might affect the already worrisome growth of landfills with non-compostable garbage, and also on how Brexit will affect their relations with the mainland European market